politifact: The 3 states with the highest percentage of household gun ownership - Alaska, Wyoming and Montana - also had the 3 highest suicide rates
beevul: Huge coincidence, I'm sure, those three ultra low population states
Huh? no comprende'. You overlooked this part of the article?: Conversely, the nine states with the lowest per-household gun ownership from 2001 to 2004 also had the nine lowest suicide rates. They were Hawaii, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, California, Illinois and Maryland.
All those anti gun gun hater gun control states somehow reduced their suicide rates to the lowest levels, just by serendipitous chance, eh? Which would put all the other pro gun states as having HIGHER suicide rates, right? You lose any way you look at it, low population moot.
PF: Overall, the statistics show a distinct correlation between gun ownership and suicide rates in states
beevul: This gobblygook is intended to imply causation where only correlation exists, while conveniently leaving out raw numbers which paint a starkly different picture than the claims author wishes to paint.
You saying that suicide & gun ownership figures from high population California, New York, Illinois, Mass, NJ, & ~Md would somehow paint a different picture?
Why should anyone believe your gobbledygook?
Beevul evidently disputes the causation effect from states with household high gun ownership rates to states tending the highest in gun suicide rates, as if there could be no affect whatsoever from higher gun presence.
High gun ownership rates per HH don't CAUSE suicide, the causation by high gun ownership rates is in the facilitation of the suicide attempt.
Our {politifact} ruling: Signer said states that have "the highest gun ownership rates also have the highest suicide rates."
Exhaustive data collected by the CDC at the start of the century supports her statement. The three states with the highest percentage of household gun ownership - Alaska, Wyoming and Montana - also had the three highest suicide rates. The correlation between the availability of guns and suicide rates, while not as exact across the nation, certainly existed in most other states. The nine states with the lowest household gun rates also had the lowest suicide rates.
So we rate Signers statement True
CDC surveys showed that the top 3 states for percentage of household gun ownership - Wyoming, Montana and Alaska - often ranked as the three states with the highest suicide rates. Roughly 60% of households held firearms in those states, much higher than the national median of 40%. Their suicide rates, according to other CDC data, hovered around 20 people per 100,000 - nearly double the national average of about 11 per 100,000.