GOP now spelled ‘NRA’ [View all]
The Republican Party has become a front for the National Rifle Association (NRA). Its arguments against any gun control border on the absurd. Now this comment, no doubt, will bring me widespread condemnation from the gun reactionaries populating this state but the arguments against the most sensible curbs proposed by President Barack Obama are mere confections.
Take, for example, the Presidents move to expand background checks to cover more firearms sold at gun shows, online and anywhere else. If somebody is in the business of selling guns as opposed to isolated sales, regardless of where he or she sells the guns for profit, regulations will designate them as gun dealers. This appellation angers gun enthusiasts who counter that criminals always get guns. The reason why that argument is correct is because upwards of 40 percent of guns are sold without any background checks hence their availability to the bad guys. Its the very opposition to any regulations by the NRA which makes the argument a truism. The reality is that criminals in so-called strict gun regulatory states purchase their firearms in states with loose regulation. While NRA supporters tote the fact that strict gun control doesnt work as evidenced by jurisdictions that have strict laws but multiple gun-related deaths, the fact is that the NRA opposition to background checks enhances the problem of access by criminals or mentally ill people who purchase without any background checks across the border or online because they can do so.
The ultimate ludicrousness of the Republican opposition becomes apparent when Congress refuses to ban purchases of guns by those on the terrorist watch list. The argument there is that some people may be mistakenly on that list. So what? There is an avenue to get your named removed but talk about the tail wagging the dog. Its the same stupid argument that Democrats make about background checks for illegal immigrants in job-hiring. Because there might be a few errors and the system isnt 100 percent perfect then you shouldnt do any check. In both instances the politicians who espouse these respective views have sold their souls to special interests.