Best wishes to the progressive 2A defenders in DU... [View all]
...and in this group. I have seen from "our side" an increase in OPs in GD referencing guns, and this is a good thing. By now, posters here probably realize that, IMO, the GD Forum is pretty much wide-open to gun postings. Again, IMO, more of the quality OPs posted here would contribute more fully if posted in GD.
NOTE: From communications with two Hosts in GD, it would appear that the threshhold for allowing the gun "exception" to be in effect is when an example of the new, ill-defined "mass shooting" is in effect. Since that hazy definition can be met any number of ways, and anti-2A news aggregators have become tantamount to a major news outlet stamp-of-approval, gun postings now seem full-time. One host has told me in confidence that a power struggle has resulted in essentially a situation where one (1) person can overrule the others when most hosts favor a lock due to SOP violation; this is supposedly based on some kind of "consensus" process.
I POST THIS HERE as a way to better advance gun control and Second Amendment issues. If the process has materially changed, it is in the best interests of All in these debates to know where to post. If anyone -- including Hosts in GD -- wish to weigh in with corrections and questions, please do so. Greater clarity and fair play should guide everyone in DU.