The ACLU agrees with the NRA and Paul Ryan about terror watch/no fly lists [View all]
Reposted from GD:
Until the No Fly List Is Fixed, It Shouldnt Be Used to Restrict Peoples Freedoms
By Hina Shamsi, Director, ACLU National Security Project
December 7, 2015 | 5:30 PM
The No Fly List is in the news this week, just in time for the ACLUs argument in federal court on Wednesday in its five-year-long challenge [2] to the lists redress process.
Last night, in response to last weeks tragic attack in San Bernardino, California, President Obama urged Congress to ensure that people on the No Fly List be prohibited from purchasing guns. Last week, Republicans in Congress defeated a proposal that would have done just that. "I think its very important to remember people have due process rights in this country, and we cant have some government official just arbitrarily put them on a list," House Speaker Paul Ryan said.
There is no constitutional bar to reasonable regulation of guns, and the No Fly List could serve as one tool for it, but only with major reform. As we will argue to a federal district court in Oregon this Wednesday, the standards for inclusion on the No Fly List are unconstitutionally vague, and innocent people are blacklisted without a fair process to correct government error. Our lawsuit seeks a meaningful opportunity for our clients to challenge their placement on the No Fly List because it is so error-prone and the consequences for their lives have been devastating...
...We disagree with Speaker Ryan about many things. But hes right that people in this country have due process rights. We want to see them respected.
No doubt this will cause consternation and/or cognitive dissonance in some.
The resulting logical twists should be quite amusing to watch...