Barney Frank schools George Will, Paul Ryan on marijuana legalization [View all]
During a town hall-style debate on ABC, Frank demanded a response from Will about decriminalizing marijuana.
I mean, personal liberty, if someone wants to smoke marijuana whos an adult, why do you want to make them go to jail? Frank asked.
With regard to marijuana, I need to know more about whether its a gateway drug to other drugs, Will replied. I need to know how you are going to regulate it, whether youre going to advertise it.
Anything is a gateway to anything, Frank said, dismissing Will argument. Thats the slippery slope argument which is a very anti-libertarian argument. The fact that if somebody is doing something thats not in itself wrong, that it might lead later on to something else then stop the something else. Dont lock them up for smoking marijuana.
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My hat goes off to Barney...