Only police believe surveillance should be everywhere; it's in most public places, qstores, gas stations, public transportation etc. Now they have Facial Recognition Apps on police Smartphones too. If you are stopped by police they only have to take a picture of you to see if you are in any of their databases, on a watchlist or have a warrant out there on you.
Just hope you are not on any watchlist , National or Local police watchlist. You could be on one wrongly for the reason of being Muslim or an Agitator or a 'crazy' on a local 'mental health' watchlist. How do you get on such a watchlist? Well, a neighbor scams police into Thinking that you're crazy by making false reports and having some punk ass creep in another location also making false accusations against you; the police then conclude you are 'crazy' because they 'think' these reports are from two 'unrelated' sources. You then have punk show victim a knife and stalk victim.
Police don't believe victim. Why? Because, you first are in wait for victim to leave apt house from the only exit she has, you then threaten her, make outrageous demands and then swing the tape recorder from behind your back into her face nearly hitting her in the face; victim jumps back and screams. Instinctually. You then record her reaction, angry response and protestations; you then Erase what you said in recording and show the tape recording to police who probably 'think' this is a crazy lady screaming and crying for no Reason. Perhaps the psychopathic neighbor had claimed; This 'crazy' lady she was outside screaming for a half hour for no reason, finally I went inside and got my tape recorder, I was so so Alarmed and Concerned. ( You need to be a very sick person to do this and you have to use a Tape recorder in order to erase what you said to victim.) You also then try to provoke victim with phony scenarios and cast aspersions and suspicion on the victim by scaring another neighbor into thinking false ideas and also local police. Local police then follow victim in the neighborhood thinking she's a dangerous 'crazy'. I hope you know that anyone can be put on a Watchlist and for reasons you may never find out.