Look what Gibby found on the beach this morning [View all]
This is Gibby
We're coming off an extreme heatwave. I walked with a friend and his dog early this morning. At one point, Gibby ran onto the rocks and started looking for something. I couldn't see anything and we kept walking. Then Gibby started becoming agitated and barking so I went to investigate.
In a water -filled crack in the rocks was what looked like a dead rat - but it wasn't. It was a little ring-tailed possum - the cutest things under the sun and a protected species. I picked it up - it was alive - just. It's little tail gripped my fingers. Took it home zipped into a shopping bag. They are nocturnal and I had no idea of how long, and indeed how, it came to be on the rocks.
It's a bit hard to make out the possum. That's his right front claw in the middle. Just right of, and above is his ear with a dark line at top right of his ear which is his closed eye. Snout pointing right.
Managed to get a little water past his teeth with a syringe. As I write, be is curled up and sleeping in a covered tub in the shower recess. I trust Gibby but there's a limit.
Update: Just had a call from a wildlife carer who is on the way to pick him up. I'm glad he is going to someone who knows how to care from him.