Me: John Rosemond's philosophies are considered somewhat retrograde and anachronistic, bordering on patriarchal elevation of the man/father as the central figure in the home. He's very popular among "Promise Keeper" types, and many of his attitudes are difficult to reconcile with progressive thinking.
Person: Self-righteous millennials are a negative by-product of progressive thinking. Maybe it's time for the re-establishment of the anachronistic/patriarchal elevation of the man/father as the central figure of the home in order to raise proper respectable, employable humans.
Me: I disagree with that just about 100%.
And I'm not some imaginary entitled millennial, either. I'm a middle aged married father of two who works full time to support my family.
The tradeoff for embracing Rosemond's pop psychology is the rewinding of 50+ years of society development simply for the comfort of the "get off my lawn" crowd.
Person: That's totally cool that you disagree! I totally disagree with you as well. No hard feelings at all!
So at least she was civil about it.