...her lack of compassion for those she hurt with her lies
OMG...this just jumped out at me. She has absolutely NO feelings about anything. When you try to talk to her, her eyes are "dead"...no expression, nothing.
My niece and her husband are about at the end of their rope. She (great niece) has acknowledged her lies...she's been confronted by her therapist, her school administration, her teachers, and her counselors. She's lost friends over this...but unfortunately, not the ones she should be loosing. They live in New Jersey, and I think her parents are scared to death she's going to turn into a New York runaway.
After she had told anyone that would listen that her parents were the worst parents this side of Mars, (and the CPS visit) they did an "intervention" at school. She claims she doesn't want to come back to Nevada to live with her grandmother, or go anywhere else for that matter. That makes sense to me, because I really think (and she has admitted this to her dad) this is all about attention. And her behavior gets her the attention she wants.
Thanks so much for your advice...I'm sure I'll be back when they're here next week with more questions.