What's for Dinner, Wed., July 31, 2024 [View all]
I'm supposed to go out to dinner tonight at a Mediterranean restaurant that I love, but it's 87 here and probably climbing by the time to leave. I've had a call in to rearrange the time/date because I hate this heat.
Consequently, I think I'll make shrimpburgers tonight. I have a sauce I make for them that's really good: mayo, ginger, and sesame oil. All the trimmings, like lettuce, tomato, and thinly sliced onion. This is Whole Foods frozen Creole patties, which are really good.
The air fryer will keep the kitchen heat down.
Cassava chips to go with it.
Also I made a huge salad last night and it's still crispy/crunchy. I haven't had salad much because you can't buy a decent head of lettuce here to save your soul. Even though I seeded some a while back, it hasn't come up. Finally found some heads of baby romaine at ShopRite.
The salad has yellow zucchini slices, Vidalia, cucumber, celery, and cherry tomatoes. I also put in Parmesan cubes and green olives. Banana pepper rings, too. Caesar dressing and wonton strips for crunchiness.
Kombucha: cherry.
Dessert will be a frozen juice bar. Cherry, of course, my favorite flavor.