of the need to go to the store, badly variety.
White rice in the rice cooker.
Fresh onions, frozen green beans
.oops! Surprise! Those are frozen, chopped asparagus spears, not green beans
Nice. I prefer fresh so they have a bit of crunch, but frozen will definitely do in this pinch. Love asparagus.
Carrots and celery taken from a crock-potted whole chicken from a few days ago, juices from that same crockpot for sautéing the veg (thankfully we have been too lazy to sort it out and just pulling chicken out of the crockpot in the fridge, so everything is still in the pot in a nice, cold, congealed mass on the bottom).
Italian seasoning, garlic powder, red pepper flakes, salt. It sautéed up nicely.
A little leftover tomato sauce because why not? Tasted and added a squirt of sriracha, a bit more salt, and more yummy chicken juices from the crockpot. Threw hot rice on top when it was done and let that cook for a bit to absorb the goodness. A squeeze of fresh lemon juice at the end.
Whew! Those pepper flakes came on strong! Added some (real! not powdered) parmesan cheese that was stripped out of Caesar salad kit a couple weeks ago to tone it down a little.
All in all, it was pretty darn tasty.
Coffee with vanilla-flavored muscle milk protein powder because we are out of actual milk, and later on, some llama shaped marshmallows for dessert.
Good lord, I absolutely have to go to the grocery store tomorrow!