I'm not personally familiar with EcoVape and I do 100% VG too. Nude Nicotine is a good source. I also like Velvet Cloud Vapor (esp Nightshift, their coffee n' donuts...yum)
Cigarette manufacturers add ingredients that can numb and mask underlying illness too. It helps smokers to breath in smoke deeper with less irritation. Thx guys. This is one reason I don't want vaping to fall into the hands of big tobacco. Of course I don't know if this is what you are experiencing or not.
There's quite a list of things that smoking effects. I know someone with Crone's had a flair up after quitting and was advised by his doctor to start using nicotine. It's helpful in Parkinson's and a handful of other illness'. It's like most substances, helpful in some ways and not helpful in others. It's not clear black and white.
Nicotine is not the only substance in a cigarette. There are 4,000 others, largely unknown (proprietary secrets) and tar. In eliquid there are only 4; PG/VG, flavor concentrate and nicotine liquid. Both PG and VG are commonly used in medicine inhalants and as anti-microbial in hospital air systems. I am very allergic to a lot of things, including vaseline, etc. so I run a good chance of having a sensitivity to PG. For other's, VG may be more of a problem; that's trial and error too. The chance of having a sensitivity to either is considered rare - <1% per Medscape. They are both GRAS (generally recognized as safe) and in everything.
Flavors can be more of a wild card. A lot of people react to cinnamon. If you have hay fever or any other allergy, it's possible for a flavor profile to mirror your allergy. Then it's best to try vaping unflavored VG and see how you react. VG tastes naturally sweet so it's palatable and some people prefer it. I like it in the morning when I wake up. PG has a slight peppery taste and some like that.
But your main withdrawal is from 4,000 other chemicals and that can affect everyone differently. This is why the comment, "just quit like I did" is rather useless and ill-informed. Most people who can "just quit" do so. It's not true for everyone.
You do need to increase your water intake dramatically at first. Dehydration can cause cramping and will help flush those chemicals out faster. It's also possible that there are some vitamins that are lacking too. It's hard for me to say in a forum like this. I think you can find more specific information at ECF / www.e-cigarette-forum.com
I know for a fact vaping is safer than smoking. Of course quitting is best, but I assume you've tried that. I had COPD and the change has been remarkable (per my pulmologist). More than what medications could ever do. I've dropped down to minimal maintenance level, more like an asthmatic now. I'm not alone either. My doctor was skeptical at first, but he's impressed now. Do stay in contact with your doctor.
Vaping is facing restrictions and bans in over 40 different cities / states all at once. The evidence that's being used are thinly veiled excuses. None of the big tobacco products (cigalikes) are targeted and exempt. It's pretty obvious the restrictions aren't about public health or safety but about market control. And Democrats are endorsing this.
So if it's not political news, it should be. 1 in 5 people in the US are still smoking. The last 3 years has seen the biggest drop in 30 years of cigarette sales, exactly in proportion to those vaping instead. Vaping could top 5 billion in the next few years, so it is big business and big tax loss.