The main idea of this thread is right. And might be squared with say, Catholic beliefs, even.
Elsewhere we argue that abortion is not so serious, because embryos are not really full human persons. But? Even if embryos WERE human persons, even Catholic bishops today note that there are "other issues," that involve human lives; "life issues." Other issues that might be "proportionately" more important (as the Pope suggested, in his 2004 memo, "Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion"
What other issues, could be more important than abortion? Consider first the lives lost, when we neglect 1) health care. And next? 2) Millions of lives already historically, biblically lost, by neglect/ignorance of environment issues. Like famines, floods. Then too? Consider 3) the millions of lives lost by "just" but unnecessary wars.
Conservative Catholics on EWTN/RN argue at times, that no issue could be as important as abortion, in terms of human lives lost or endangered. But key elements of the Church, many cardinals and the pope, note many "other issues" (Card. McCarrick) that are in effect, proportionately more important. Like health care; environmental disasters; and unncessary wars. Issues that have already killed millions, billions of people. And that could even destroy the whole planet. Unless we begin to take care of these life issues.
In partial recognition of this, elements of the Church leadership, like Cardinal Bernardin, began to refer to the "seamless garment" of many imortant social issues, that should attract Catholics' attention at the voting booth.