Traitors? Beg Pardon? I must have missed something.
I NEVER said there were any traitors.
I DID say that there were a lot of people with PP and with NARAL who let the Radical Right successfully recast the struggle for control of their bodies as a crusade against abortion. I NEVER said that they deliberately doing it, NOR did I say they were traitors. They didn't realize that they were being out-manouvered by social, religious, and political reactionaries affiliated with the anti-reproductive rights bunch using the anti-abortion campaign as a diversion to distract away from their real agenda. I DO say that folks at PP, NARAL and elsewhere weren't paying attention to the Radical Right's REAL game and they got sucker-punched in their way just as the gullible, credulous and impoverished right-wing voters who vote for anti-reproductive rights politicians are continuing to get snookered by right-wing politicians and right-wing Ivory Tower clerics.
Does the expression "playing fat, dumb, and happy" mean anything to you? For the record, playing fat, dumb, and happy IS NOT TREASON.
I AM saying that something happened--pro-choice people got snookered by right-wing anti-abortion fanatics and their willing right-wing politician collaborators. I hardly think that constitutes calling fellow pro-choice activists traitors or calling for Stalinesque political purges because a lot of the family planning and abortion rights leadership got blindsided by something they hadn't expected.
As I said, a lot of good people at NARAL and PP were blindsided by the Radical Right's tactics. I think it's time to wise up, pull together, and say that the Radical Right's anti-abortion campaign is a smokescreen to conceal their very real campaign against women's health and reproductive rights.