I'm glad you came over to post.
It's clear you're very close to your mother and somewhat at sea with the new news. Part of the process is just wrapping your mind around it, and that can take a long time (I was diagnosed nearly 7 years ago and it took quite some time before I accepted it). Tears are totally acceptable.
Some of the others have posted about what to expect emotionally and how you can help. I'm not exactly sure what you meant by asking what you could expect - in every aspect, or simply medically, or emotionally? Medically - and I am not a doctor, just a patient - they will remove the stomach and biopsy it. If the cancer is fully contained within the margins (in other words, they thought they "got it all"
then with any luck she'll need follow-up scans but hopefully little or no more treatment. That said, she'll be without a stomach, so there's stuff to be dealt with there (but I don't know what's involved).
If it has spread beyond the stomach then there will probably be follow-up chemo or radiation or both, depending where and how extensively it's spread. I've learned not to speculate too much - first, if you want the warm and fuzzies, don't be looking things up on the Internet. Second, my speculation is often wrong (I'm afraid it's spread, I think it hasn't spread, I think this is elevated, I think that has dropped) and I've learned to try to do away with anxiety and take it as it comes. It's not easy, but it's all you can do.
The important thing here is to take care of yourself. If you dissolve into a basket case, you help no one. You're taking good steps already (posting here, reaching out).
I hope it goes well. Please keep posting here. You can also PM me if you want to email or talk privately.
Wishing the best for you and your mother...
- Tab