One of the Keys to opening the door to 12 Step Programs.. What is a Higher Power.? [View all]
So much about the God here is my take on it ...
Your higher power is your higher power. Any power greater than yourself................
.Yesterday, I attended an EA meeting, Emotions Anonymous..powerless over our that meeting the following idea is presented in a reading...(not exact words)
Your higher power can be anything greater than yourself: the goodness in people, peace, faith, God, strength of the group, kindness, love, or any entity a member chooses as a power greater than themselves......
Let us get this 12 step programs... there is no higher power police one defines a higher power for you..You define a power greater than you....Here is how it really works for me...................
I am walking thru the foodstore.....for some reason I have worked my way over to the liquor- beer department...So I start to think, gee that might be nice to have a cool beer, or a nice shot of chocolate liquor....(I like chocolate) I think about what kind of advice the AA meeting might give at that point..
...This is what I get in my head.
....................well........that is not a good idea..why don't you go over and buy something you need..for your some bread or milk...that idea really doesn't do you know what will probably happen...... I listen to that advice....and...that is it..Higher Power has talked to me, and given advice...which..I can listen to or not listen to....
That is I listen.. It ain't rocket science.........If it was rocket science..., I wouldn't understand it..
..................................Stuart G