I love coming by to see you peeps every once in a while [View all]
I spend so much time these days in the rooms that I have little time for DU, plus my anger issues require that I stay out of the election fray, but you guys are the cool kids.
My life should be more stable, given how much time I'm spending with recovery. OTOH, when a family member is diagnosed with cancer, life can still suck, even in the recovery mode. A lot of the stuff does cross over though. I'm trying not to catastrophize and wait, one day at a time. Easy does it. And so on. I almost feel like it would be easier if it was me with the cancer (note to higher self - this is not a request just an idle thought) instead of my partner. Just like a good little codependent, I want to jump in a fix everything and I've had to look at where I'm taking his god given right to experience this out of his hands. He acts like he wants me to but I think that's a bad idea for both of us. It's a rickety bridge we're crossing right now.
I suppose soon enough, it would be wise to join a cancer spouse group, but so far, my Nar Anon has been a world of help.
See ya soon. I'm heading to bed.