hit me this morning,, my niece texted me and let me know that they were holding a bday party for my brother on Jan 4 because he will be 60yo. She implied how our parents need to see the 3 sons all together because they are old. I talked to Mrs K, said Im too new into not drinking to be in that position. So this went down, years ago I would have went and done it..hands down. Today I emailed my Mother,because when I called her ,she was out shopping. And I said " I can't ,too many traps" she emailed and pushed about the 3 of us and our families all being together again. I just said " I cant" Then a light went in my head,,and I called both my brothers,and niece and said " I cant,this is why" and then I told both my brothers about Mom's concerns and said " I agree with her,,we need to do this,,but in a more controlled situation" Miracles of miracles! they both agreed! and we will start working on that after the new year for Mom. I stood up today,,where I wouldn't have before. I called,,not texted, and explained. Even Mom tonight when I finally got her on phone agrees. I think my psyche will be proud when I see her Friday,, I know Mrs K is right now! Whether you all know it or not, you all are part of my support group too, simply because I can type these thoughts out.
thanks for listening.