Your definition of disease, and where did you get it from? (Kind of hard to say whether addiction is a disease or not if there's no definition given for it, and it's everyone's fill-in-the-blank word to use or abuse, particularly by those trying to sell a book or some new treatment.).
I offered some from a medical dictionary
disease [dĭ-zēz´]
a definite pathological process having a characteristic set of signs and symptoms. It may affect the whole body or any of its parts, and its etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or unknown. For specific diseases, see under the specific name, as addison's disease. See also illness, mal, sickness, and syndrome.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
dis·ease (di-zēz'),
1. An interruption, cessation, or disorder of a body, system, or organ structure or function.
See also: syndrome. Synonym(s): illness, morbus, sickness
2. A morbid entity ordinarily characterized by two or more of the following criteria: recognized etiologic agent(s), identifiable group of signs and symptoms, or consistent anatomic alterations.
See also: syndrome.
Which medical, psychological, psychiatric association declares addiction to be other than a disease?
And how does any of this fit the purpose of this forum anyway?