I still go to meetings, 90 meetings in 90 days was my sponsor's first suggestion for me. I needed to learn tools to keep me from drinking and I couldn't do it alone. I still go to meetings on a regular basis, never know when I'm going to hear something that's helpful and the support I get from others I've gotten to know helps a great deal, too.
But the most important reason for finding a sponsor to guide you through the program is that you can't work the steps alone. And working the steps really is the program, a guide for successfully living a life without alcohol.
Lots of folks on DU reject AA for one reason or another. Some don't like that God is mentioned at some meetings, others see it as a religious program. I'm not religious, have found meetings that work for me. They say "take what you want and leave the rest." I accept whatever might work for someone else, but I had to experience lots of different meetings and hear enough experiences to find what works for me.
What worked the best was learning that I only had to quit drinking One Day at a Time. That's when I started putting time together. I celebrated six years sober last month. Since I've been sober, I have attended events where there's alcohol, but I have to go back to Step 1 to prepare for that kind of thing. Given the choice, I avoid it.
I recommend AA to learn how to give up alcohol for the long haul and to find the tools that are on offer that work the best for you. Good luck and let us know how you are...