Now we're Tolkien! After six glacial hours, The Rings of Power is finally worth watching [View all]
Its been a painstaking buildup mainly of people chatting by pretty trees but now, faithful fans who havent already given up have been rewarded with the best big-budget TV in years
Whether youre a Tolkien obsessive or the sort of dabbler who doesnt give an Ents conker what a Silmarillion is, its not hard to see why reactions to The Rings of Power have been
Theres a scene in The Return of the King where Pippin is staring across the calm, still mists of Pelennor Fields, waiting for Saurons orc armies to lay siege to the city of Minas Tirith. Its so quiet, he says. Its the deep breath, says Gandalf, before the plunge. Thats how Amazons bazillion-dollar take on Tolkien felt for its first five episodes. A buildup albeit an astonishingly bonny one to something big, gripping and hugely exciting that was yet to happen.
final paragraph:
Though it is fanciful to expect an episode like this each week, anyone who gave up before episode six surely now needs to reconsider that position. The prologue is finally over. Even if the last episodes of the season are only half as good as this, House of the Dragon can no longer claim to be the only top-drawer, big-budget fantasy show around. The Rings of Power took its sweet time, but it got there in the end.
edited to ad: This latest episode blew my mind.