Scientific Breakthrough May Illuminate Long Covid, Alzheim, Fibromyalg, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-'Yuppie Flu' [View all]
Daily Kos, Dec. 19, '24. Ed. - IMAGE: Sleeping Cat, 'Chronic Catigue Syndrome.' Not an illness; reportedly, cats average about 15 hrs of sleep a day, divided into numerous bouts of deep sleep or light dozing. Kittens & seniors, as much as 20 hrs.
Spring, 1987: some virus was going around our office, friend circle, friends of friends in the Washington, D.C., area, and seemingly, society at large. At first it seemed like just a mild cold. Unknowingly, I caught it from my supervisor in our poorly ventilated "glass box" office tower.
That weekend while traveling with my BF I began to feel ill. It didn't seem very bad, or we would have cut our trip short. The next week I had to phone in sick. Symptoms were still not extreme, except that I felt SO TIRED. Every morning I would stagger out of bed, phone in sick again, drink coffee, and sit in the kitchen the rest of the day -- unable to muster enough energy to get dressed, cook anything, read the paper, or even go back to bed.
Symptoms were still not extreme, except that I felt SO TIRED. Every morning I would stagger out of bed, phone in sick again, drink coffee, and sit in the kitchen the rest of the day -- unable to muster enough energy to get dressed, cook anything, read the paper, or even go back to bed.
Let alone get to a medical appointment.
In an oak tree, outside the kitchen window of the second-floor walk-up, a pair of woodpeckers were drilling a nest hole. I watched them all day, every day, in a sort of trance state that was actually frightening. If I'd had enough energy to be scared. Meanwhile, my BF had caught whatever it was from me and was also suffering from bad fatigue, though not quite so acutely. In phone calls he reported on friends, and friends of friends, also afflicted.
News media were calling it "yuppie flu," a case of spoiled entitlement, or mass hysteria.
.. Reportedly, at least 65 million people around the globe currently suffer from long covid, even more than the estimated 50 million who have Alzheimers... - Read More + Comments (51)