I agree with you. There's nothing radical or feminist about this kind of bigots.
The venue blocked her. I don't know what RadFem 2012 is going to do, move their conference so they can still have their guest or go ahead there without her. They still have her up on their website http://www.radfem2012.com/speakers.html
The venue is still getting hammered. Both these tweets are from yesterday. The last one sounds as if the whole event may get booted out of Conway Hall.
conwayhall @conwayhall
@AmberHolywood @terristange @LeeLysandra more info about our position on #RadFem & SJ coming soon, thanks for your patience.
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conwayhall @conwayhall
@TheRealSGM @FeministatSea More info on #RadFem soon. Suffice to say any bookings cancelled at our request are fully refunded. Thanks.
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I've been really shocked at some of the things I've read about RadFem, and MichFest, this weekend. Julie Bindel is being her normal, hateful, transphobic self over this, throwing as much gasoline as she can to fan the bigotry.
I'm not impressed with one of the other speakers, Gail Dines either.
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 14:42:16 -0500
From: Gail Dines <gdines AT WHEELOCK.EDU>
Subject: Re: Texts on Radical feminism
Radically Speaking is a great collection and students do well with the
articles. I also suggest anything by Sheila Jeffreys as she applies radical
feminism to a wide range of topics. Her new book on beauty is excellent. And of
course, Andrea Dworkin's books formed the back--bone of radical feminism today.
Gail Dines
Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies
Chair of American Studies
Wheelock College