Obviously, this meddlesome Mr. DeMontague doesnt speak for anyone but himself, although often in the third person.
First off, just so we're clear- I do NOT consider myself an "MRA" or men's rights activist or any of those things. It's just not where I'm at. I am, of course, a firm believer in equal rights for EVERYONE. Men do face unique challenges in our society and our world, that should not be forgotten- and obviously this would be an excellent place to discuss that sort of thing.
I do understand the arguments some have had around this group and the concept of "men's rights". Like "Caucasian rights", or "Christian rights", I mean one has to acknowledge the reality that coming from a majority group or group that has enjoyed historical advantages, such a term can sound, at best, absurd if not flat-out obnoxious.
What I'd personally like to see for this group is a low-key, low-stress, non confrontational area for open discussion on a whole range of topics, again, of interest to men... which covers a pretty broad area, I should think. I also think this should be a bigotry-free zone, a homophobia free zone, a LGBTransphobia free zone, a misandry and, yeah, misogyny free zone... Probably can't keep it from being a misanthropy free zone just due to my personality, but that's what I'd like to see.
The entire bloviating piece by that self-serving windbag can be read here: