I'm blind in one eye and a little blind in the other, so while I can still read (with glasses) I cannot drive and I live in a small town with very little public transportation. Other than bumming rides from friends/family, the only choice I really have is to walk. The random catcalls and sexual street harassment got so bad that even with my bad vision I still wear headphones so I don't have to hear it.
And I've heard it all. "You shouldn't be walking alone wearing those shorts!", "nice t!ts", "come here, I just want to talk to you" and when I just waved him off, that was followed by "you bitch, you think you're too good for this!". I didn't turn to look, but I heard the sound of a zipper being undone so I'm pretty sure he tried to flash me.
Since I've been wearing headphones I don't hear it as much, but I still get the honking bullshit and the occasional bottle thrown at me. WTF is wrong with these dudes!? I want them to just fuck off and leave me, and every women, alone. It happens to all of us and its why I've been carrying mace since I was 18 and a pocket knife since I was 14. But that little knife is a different story...(sigh).