Tennessee's First Elected Trans Official May Be Forced to Use Men's Room [View all]
Source: Daily Beast
Tennessees First Elected Trans Official May Be Forced to Use Mens Room
Olivia Hill told The Daily Beast many council members have told her they would look the other way on the restroom issue but knows under state law she risks being thrown in jail.
Chloe Stillwell
Published Sep. 24, 2023 9:06PM EDT
The first trans person to be elected to office in Tennessee is being treated as a second-class citizen and may be forced to use the male bathroom at work despite identifying as female.
Five women, including openly transgender member Olivia Hill, were handed a sweeping victory on Sept. 14 by winning all the seats at large during Nashville Metro Councils election and making the body majority female. However, the historic election victory is being overshadowed by an anti-LGBTQ law quietly passed in May that will make it harder for Hill to do her job and simply live her life in the state.
Senate Bill 1440/House Bill 239, which went into effect on July 1, establishes sex in all state codes as a persons immutable biological sex as determined by anatomy and genetics existing at the time of birth and evidence of a persons biological sex.
What is most disturbing is the ambiguity of the lawa one page document that simply states that sex is now defined by anatomy at birth.
The law seems designed to be slippery, so that it can be nefariously enforced depending on any given interpretation. ...
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/tennessees-first-openly-trans-official-olivia-hill-may-be-forced-to-use-male-bathroom-at-work