Lia Thomas will swim in Ivy League championships, conference says [View all]
Lia Thomas will swim in Ivy League championships, conference says
Conference notes NCAA policy for current year only applies to NCAA championships.
By Karleigh Webb Feb 8, 2022, 3:30pm PST
The Ivy League confirmed late Monday that University of Pennsylvania senior swimmer Lia Thomas will be eligible to compete in the conferences championship meet, February 16-19 in Cambridge, Mass.
The decision, confirmed via email to
Swimming World magazine, lays at least one question to rest for the transgender woman competitor who has been at the center of a growing debate over inclusion. Her eligibility for NCAA Division I national championship meet in March in Atlanta, where she has already qualified in two events, will be decided later this month.
Thomas has the potential to become the first transgender student athlete to win an Ivy League individual championship in the history of the conference, and join former
University of Montana distance runner Juniper Eastwood as the only transgender student-athletes to win an individual conference title in NCAA Division I.