Catholic Diocese Says LGBTQ+ People Are Not Allowed Sacraments [View all]
A Michigan Catholic diocese has told its church leaders to deny baptism, confirmation, and other sacraments to LGBTQ+ people unless they have repented. The now-viral guidance was shared on social media this week, even though it was sent out in July, according to NBC News.
The document from the Diocese of Marquette explains how Catholic priests should develop their ministerial relationships with persons with same-sex attraction and persons with gender dysphoria.
The Roman Catholic church has long held the view that being gay is not a sin but being in a same-sex relationship or having gay sex is. It announced in March that priests are not allowed to bless same-sex unions. In June 2019, the church released a document claiming that trans people do not exist and such notions go against nature. Julys guidance compared working with trans people to working with those with anorexia nervosa.
According to the diocese, those in same-sex relationships or trans people cant be baptized or confirmed or receive communion, and they also cant act as witnesses to Catholic baptisms or confirmations. The Church teaches that persons experiencing feelings of same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria is not sinful, but freely acting upon them is, said the statement, sent by John Fee, the diocese's communications director.