This is a Democratic Party space. A lot of us here are what we mean by liberal and progressive, but the originators of those political designations would not recognize our version of them.
As someone who votes for the best chance of having compassionate and caring people run the country, my vote is automatically going to be Democratic Party but a lot of the Democratic Party is just beginning to catch up. We were led by the DLC not that long ago.
I am someone who thinks that compassionate people are in fact more sensible, reliable, honest, logical and creative. I also think that love takes more bravery than hatred does. That is my basis but I am not the one that decides what the Democratic Party's basis is. Instead, I must and will always have to, defend the side of compassion. This is sad, because right now, I feel hurt by a lot that is going on and I am lashing out and not living up to my own standards.
It will be a constant fight to defend compassion in politics. As Republicans get tired of the lies and join us, they will bring with them tolerance of racism and intolerance for the other. They will bring with them a slew of issues. We will need to educate them and bring them up to speed. We will need to nurse their wounds. A lot of them do not know that you are on their side since they are in denial about what their side might really be.
The fight for understanding is well past ancient. Do not believe for a moment that you will ever in your life have a safe place. If you fight with compassion, understanding and raw truth, you may at the end of your life be able to look back and see that you made the spaces you dwelt in safer for those who followed you. That is about all that I think you can expect. Every one of us must face the lack of understanding of others and we should regret the lack of understanding that we hold onto.