Melissa Dahn shared some thoughts from the roommate of the late Daphne Dorman on Twitter the other day - urging people to boycott Chappelle's "special", saying Netflix needs to yank it, and making it clear Chappelle was not a friend (or a pretty poor one) who seemed to repeatedly tell people what a "shit" comedienne Daphne was, how angry they are over Chappelle trying to blame the transgender community for Daphne's suicide, and is absolutely irate over Chappelle saying "I knew your father and he was a wonderful woman."
The last part of that is what really sticks out. People all over the internet - including DU - have been trying to defend Chappelle and tell the LGBTQ community to "stifle ourselves", that his latest special of punching-down is so magical and funny, and the end "had them in tears." Well, congratulations to them. They fell for it. They bought Chappelle's "my one trans friend" story - hook, line and sinker. And even then, Chappelle still punched down on his "friend" by calling her "he" and "father". Some friend - he used Daphne as a human shield to protect himself from criticism while attacking hers, attacking others like her, and even misgendering her.
This wasn't comedy. This was abuse. Robin Williams and George Carlin were funny because they punched up. There's nothing "edgy" about punching down, especially on people already hurting enough. Shame on Chappelle, shame on anyone defending this shit.
Melissa's Twitter post: