Tanzania has banned lube and is forcing men into humiliating anal exams to check for gay sex [View all]
Tanzania has banned lube and is forcing men into humiliating anal exams to check for gay sex
The East African country has been urged to end the arbitrary arrests of LGBT+ people and to ban forced anal examinations in a report released today (February 3) by Human Rights Watch.
The 112-page report, titled If We Dont Get Services We Will Die, details the extent of persecution queer people in Tanzania face under a harsh regime that is hostile to their existence.
The report calls the forced anal examinations a medical travesty and says they in some cases rise to the level of torture.
It also suggests that lubricants have been banned because they promote homosexuality.
The government has also closed down HIV testing centres and has stopped community organisations from conducting outreach activities towards populations most at risk of contracting the virus.
Banning lube? I suppose that means name brand lube. There is no way really to ban lube.
Shutting down HIV testing centres really should be the main headline. That's the most horrific of all.