Disturbing video shows Jewish convert fatally shot by IDF in West Bank posed no threat [View all]
A video has surfaced from last weeks deadly shooting of a Palestinian convert to Judaism that shows the victim raising his hands in compliance with orders from an IDF reservist who opened fire on the 63-year-old anyway.
The video shows the soldier approaching Sameh Muhammad Abd al-Rai Zaytoun who went by David Ben Avraham since converting to Judaism several years ago with his gun aimed at him after he exited a Palestinian taxi at a bus station near the settlement of Elazar, south of Jerusalem.
The soldier aggressively asks Ben Avraham if he is Jewish, to which he responds that he is. Seemingly doubting him, the soldier asks him for his name and Ben Avraham responds, David Ben Avraham, idiot.
A separate surveillance video from the scene shows Ben Avraham standing with his hands on his head for a few seconds before the soldier shoots him.