WATCH: From paying tuition to 'funding Hamas'? (BDS hearts Hamas) [View all]
Ami Horowitz recently took to the lawns of Portland State University in an experiment, to quip at students and see how far he could draw out their anti-Israel,
pro-BDS sentiment. Posing as a representative for a faux-organization dubbed "American Friends for Hamas," Horowitz set out to raise donations for the Hamas cause, explicitly stating that donated dollars would be funding violent intentions and promoting the destruction of the state of Israel.
"I want to see if these guys are willing to take it to the next level," Horowitz said pre-experiment, set in the "Pacific Northwest: American home of the BDS movement against Israel." Horowitz introduced himself as an activist for the Hamas-linked organization, describing Hamas as "not your fathers terrorist organization."
Calls for donation racked in an average of $5-$30 from students. One female student agreed to put down $27 - an amount equivalent to that she shelled out for Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign.
"Let's be clear," he started. "Its not that these kids are stupid or misinformed or ignorant - I could not have spelled it out more specifically, that we want to use this money to kill Jews." And their response was, 'hey, I've been learning about school and I'm happy to help you.'" He argued that his experiment was a manifestation of "poison" in the form of anti-Israel sentiment being taught to children over the past decade.
"I spelled it out to them," Horowitz said of his interaction with the students. "As long as you're killing Israelis, our college students are happy to do it because of the poison being fed to them by professors year in and year out."