Has the world reached economic peak oil? [View all]
Not that it was ever easy. The amount of oil produced by existing fields is always in decline because as oil is extracted, pressure in the reservoir falls and the oil comes out more slowly. As a result, every year the industry must drill new wells capable of supplying around 3 mb/d or 30 per cent of Saudi Arabias production just to stand still. Satisfying the growth in global demand, at least when the economy is expanding, requires roughly another 1.5 mb/d annually.
Filling these holes gets more difficult as the easy oil gets scarcer. Companies are now exploring to the ends of the earth from the Falklands to the Arctic and are drilling reservoirs that are deeper, hotter and higher pressure than ever, all of which raise new engineering challenges. That has pushed costs up massively, with effects that have yet to be widely understood.
These paragraphs explain exactly what the problem is concerning peak oil.