Abby Huntsman wants to lead her own generation into poverty [View all],0,489874.story
Abby Huntsman on Social Security: New generation, same old lies.
Abby Huntsman wants to lead her own generation into poverty
By Michael Hiltzik
March 14, 2014, 9:21 a.m.
Abby Huntsman is really, really upset about Social Security. We know this because the television presenter, a daughter of former GOP Presidential contender Jon Huntsman, went on an extended rant about it Thursday on MSNBC's "The Cycle." The show is aimed at a younger audience of news consumers and Huntsman, 27, is one of the four youthful co-hosts.
She thinks Social Security is going bankrupt, leaving her and her generation with nothing. "This is infuriating," she said, bouncing up and down in her chair like a petulant toddler, "because none of our elected officials seem to care enough to do anything about it."
Unfortunately, almost everything she said about Social Security in the name of making it "sustainable" for her generation was wrong.
Dead wrong.