Scrolling down a bit, this is especially interesting:
U.S. Stands by Denial
WASHINGTON, April 10 The State Department said toclay that it would adhere to an earlier statement by a former State Department official denying the accusation that the United States and I.T.T. conspired to prevent Dr. Allende's election in 1970.
The Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on multinational corporations recently held seven days of hearings on I.T.T.'s involvement in Chilean affairs. During the hearings Charles A. Meyer, former Assistant Secretary of State for Inter‐American Affairs, testified that, so far as he knew, the C.I.A. was never specifically authorized to explore the possibility of using private American corporations to damage the economy of Chile in any attempt to influence the 1970 election there.
On the first day of hearings an I.T.T. official, William R. Merriam, said that William V. Broe, director of the C.I.A.'s clandestine activities in Latin America, had agreed with the recommendations that the corporation made in 1970 to try to prevent the election of Dr. Allende.
It was also revealed that I.T.T. had offered $1‐million to the United States Government to block the election of Dr. Allende. But various officials of I.T.T. and the C.I.A. gave conflicting testimony on whether the money was to be used contructively against Dr. Allende.
NY Times, was good at giving far less than the truth even then!
I do remember Anaconda copper, Ford Motor, and Pepsi Cola in Chile were all very concerned, too. . . . . .
Have never heard the complete list, but it must be substantial!
Thank you for the real food for thought, GreenWave. :hi