It is unfair for some in our forum to presuppose all Israelis are Jews or all Jews are Zionists or even any religion is a "race".
Other actors are possibly at play too. Big Pharma will destroy ecosystems to get at the last medicinal property plant growing freely in the world to jack up the price globally. This means Native Americans will fight back to save the land, hence getting killed by "civilized" cultures that have refined the art of killing.
There are also self appointed proselytes that invade other regions of the world, disrespecting local laws and customs and infiltrate Native American lands and ruining life for those inhabitants, all in the name of bringing Jesus to those people.The Yanomami used to welcome what few strangers they encountered. Now they may even kill them.
When I worked in Venezuela such an invasion occurred. The native Americans sent their cacique to talk to the other cacique about why this was happening. They probably thought there were only a few thousand people on Earth. When the cacique reached Caracas, a booming city of 5,000,000 + he died from shock. Many were outraged that such a situation had occurred. So it was decided to return the deceased cacique to his people but with a boat filled with singers and dancers using as many indigenous instruments as possible. The boat had exceeded its carrying capacity and once it reached the Orinoco River it capsized killing most of the inhabitants including a group of young musicians, Madera. The GOP friendly government tried quickly to lie about the incident claiming all aboard just got a little wet. Alí Primera remembers them in his song Tim Marín.