Keep Kucinich in Congress. [View all]
There is a grass roots effort in Washington State to Keep Kucinich in Congress.. No matter where Kucinich lives he works for peace, prosperity , and workers.. His voice is vital. Example.. Take the latest GOP effort at more deregulation .. The GOP jobs bill.. Euphemistically by the Gobbers called "Jump Start the Economy".. Just more Wall Street Deregulation..
.. Called to task by the New York "They ( congress) have very short Memories..... " ( ) This will prove as foolish as the repeal of the Glass Steagal Act..
....Kucinich was only 1 of 17 to vote no.. You can always count on Kucinich to do the brave thing. He is a National Treasure ..His opponent in the recent Ohio Primary voted ,YES...
.. Let's keep him where he can do the most good..
Some smart Washington Stater has started his own Draft Kucinich movement...
For more than 30 years, Dennis Kucinich has stood up for all of us.
Now it is our turn to stand up for Dennis... Click here to sign our Petition to keep Dennis in Congress!