Reagan brought together the economic conservatives and the social conservatives. The economic conservatives supplied the campaign cash, and the social conservatives supplied the foot soldiers.
Back in Reagan's day, the economic conservatives were in full control. There was the occasional bone for the social conservatives, but the rich ran the show. As time passed, the economic conservatives had to give a little more and a little more to the social conservatives. But it was stable, and the economic conservatives could actually govern.
That changed in 1995. Gingrich and co were swept into power by the social conservatives. And they reversed this formula. Now the social conservatives were running the show, but they gave the economic conservatives lots of goodies to keep them in line.
Well, the trend continued. Over 20 years, the economic conservatives got a little less and a little less. Until we arrive where we are today: The economic conservatives get virtually nothing, while the social conservatives get everything.
Most "Old money" are economic conservatives. They don't give a damn about abortion, they just want to pay no taxes.
The Koch brothers? They aren't economic conservatives. They're social conservatives who happen to be rich.