Why Weren't the Fake Ballots Straight-ticket Democratic? [View all]
If you're going to go to the trouble of printing up 10 million or so fake ballots that vote for the Democratic presidential candidate, putting them in fake envelopes, and mailing them to polling places all over the country ...
why wouldn't you have them vote for all the other Democratic candidates?
Straight-party voting is a pretty common thing; all the ballots sent from our house were straight-ticket Democratic. Fake ballots wouldn't look suspicious if they were too. If all 80 million votes for Biden had also voted for the other Democrats on the ballots, we would have had the blue tsunami that was predicted in song and story.
But we didn't. Instead, we got a blue extremely low tide. Did the people making the fake Biden ballots screw up, or were the 80 million ballots actually real, each done by an individual who knew that some of the candidates on their ballot were the better choice even though they didn't have a D by their name. I'd like to hear The Donald's response to that.