The last time Republicans won a US Senate seat in- [View all]
CA- 1988(Wilson-R) running for a 2nd term benefited from Bush Sr. coattails.
CT- 1982(Weicker-R) running for a 3rd term, Weicker was a liberal Republican.
DE- 1994(Roth-R) running for a 5th term in a Republican wave election year.
HI- 1970(Fong-R) running for a 3rd term.
IL- 2010(Kirk-R), 1998(Fitzgerald-R).
MD- 1980(Mathais-R) running for a 3rd term.
MA- 2010 special (Brown-R) 1972 (Brooke-R) running for a 2nd term.
MI- 1994(Abraham-R)
MN- 2002(Coleman-R),1994(Grams-R)
NV- 2012(Heller-R)
NH- 2010(Ayotte-R)
NJ- 1972(Case-R) running for a 4th term.
NM- 2002(Domenici-R) running for a 6th term.
NY- 1992(D'Amato-R) running for a 3rd term.
OR- 2002(Smith-R) running for a 2nd term. 1966-1996(Hatfield-R and Packwood-R) were the US Senators from OR.
RI- 2000(L. Chafee-R) John Chaffee won in 1976,1982,1988,and 1994.
VT- 1994(Jeffords-R) running for a 2nd term.
VA- 2002(John Warner-R) running for a 5th term.
WA- 1994(Gorton-R) running for a 2nd term.