Maybe one good thing will come out of hellscape that is UK PLC 2020 [View all]
At this point we are pretty much powerless in how this far right nightmare government we are suffering through plays hard Brexit ball to the point of destruction. So, I think we need to cling onto some positives in this time of utter shitness. We are already witness to the utter incompetence of the this administration in handling the pandemic and there is nothing to suggest that they will be any less incompetent when it comes to handling Brexit, so it is little wonder that they are trashing our reputation internationally and leading us to crashing out without that oven ready deal Boris boasted about in the before times.
I think they believe that they can hide the economic shock of no deal in the downturn cause Covid. However, if we end up trading on WTO rules in the New Year a few things seem certain. Much of the country will be in some form of lockdown, some sectors will still be struggling to survive, there will be a second round of job losses in the millions this time in manufacturing and export industries coupled with increasing food prices on at least 65% of the food we consume, chaos at ferry ports, acute shortages of medication, austerity back in play alongside rising taxes to try and bridge the 2020 spend. 2021 has the potential to make 2020 feel like a walk in the park. Now here is where there is a bright side.
1. There is no way that Boris Johnson will still be Prime Minister a year from now if the popularity of the party continues to crater which will indeed be the case if no deal becomes the new normal. And after the utter shit show and the blatant power grabs from number 10, maybe we will see a shift back to the centre in the choice of new leader? That would certainly be a positive.
2. There is no way that the incompetent sycophantic morons who hold the great offices of state will be able to lead the nation is such a time of chaos. They just are not able enough to do so. Which means even though the general election seems extremely far away it is not far enough away for them to turn this around, certainly if we have a further self-inflicted economic shock of no deal. Unfortunately many vulnerable people are going to be hurt over the next few years, but I do think that this means the Tories are going to be sent packing to the politic hinterlands, possibly for a generation, the next time we get to vote
Clinging onto positives like our lives depend on it
cause they just might!