Boris Johnson signals no-deal increasingly likely and hits out at EU for refusing to compromise [View all]
Boris Johnson has admitted the UK is currently heading for a no deal Brexit, with progress now very difficult as the two sides refuse to compromise.
In a new gloomy summary of the state of the talks, No 10 described an agreement as only possible with a strong attack on the EUs refusal to bend.
An agreement is still possible and this is still our goal, but it is clear it will not be easy to achieve, the prime minister's spokesman said.
He confirmed Brussels was refusing to discuss British proposals on future fishing quotas until it had received a state aid plan something London has so far refused to set out.
For fucks sake - they have spent decades slagging off the EU and then expect them to capitulate after we have told them to fuck off...They have used the EU as a very useful flogging post for everything that goes wrong in the UK for the last 40 years.
Although I am sure the economic terrorists at the heart of government are delighted that we will end up with no deal, in the middle of a depression and with a pandemic killing far too many... no doubt we will end up with a second wave as no deal hits us hard. Empire throw backs believed they are entitled, unfortunately for the rest of us it will be too late before they realise what the rest of have known for years - that the days of empire are long gone and they are trying to punch above our weight in a way that all of us will end up with a bloody nose.
Folks, we will have the rock hard certainty of a no deal Brexit to turbo charge the economy so we can shoot like a rocket through the grey clouds of this terrible virus and explode in the sunlit realm beyond, painting the heavens in glorious red, white and blue.
Heh. Promised sunny uplands of Rule Brextannia in 3...2...1...👀