were all considered a price worth paying by most Tory members for Brexit to take place:
So dedicated to accomplishing Brexit are Tory members that a majority (54%) would be willing to countenance the destruction of their own party if necessary. Only a third (36%) put the partys preservation above steering Britain out of the EU.
Party members are also willing to sacrifice another fundamental tenet of Conservative belief in order to bring about Brexit: unionism.* Asked whether they would rather avert Brexit if it would lead to Scotland or Northern Ireland breaking away from the UK, respectively 63% and 59% of party members would be willing to pay for Brexit with the breakup of the United Kingdom.
A similar proportion (61%) would also be willing to countenance significant economic damage done to the British economy in order to leave the EU.
There is, however, still one thing that Conservative members fear more than the prospect of Brexit slipping through their fingers: Jeremy Corbyn. Half (51%) of Conservative party members would rather call the whole thing off than allow the Labour leader to ascend to the position of Prime Minister. Nevertheless, four in ten (39%) are so committed to Brexit that they would want to see it brought about even if it meant their partys nemesis came to power.
Whether the twitter account is genuine, I'm not sure. The "starvation" bit wouldn't be, but I can quite easily see a fanatic would say it just as their final bit of hyperbole.