Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn says cross-party talks have 'gone as far as they can' [View all]
Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn says cross-party talks have 'gone as far as they can'
5 minutes ago
In a letter to the PM, the Labour leader said the six weeks of cross-party discussions could not carry on due to "the increasing weakness and instability" of the government.
In a letter to the PM, Mr Corbyn said the move towards choosing a new leader for the Conservative Party meant "the position of the government has become ever more unstable and its authority eroded", undermining confidence in the "government's ability to deliver any compromise agreement".
He also said that "not infrequently, proposals by your negotiating team have been publicly contradicted by statements from other members of the cabinet".
Mr Corbyn described the talks as "detailed" and "constructive", but said "while there are some areas where compromise has been possible, we have been unable to bridge important policy gaps between us".