In Yorkshire and Humber region
Brexit Party - I expect the vast majority of Brexshitters, and the OAP block vote in particular to go to this lot for these elections. The only people to send me a leaflet so far. Lead candidate John Longworth. (Formerly of the British Chamber of Commerce, now standing for election on a very anti-business agenda)
Change UK - The new pro-Remain party comprised of Blairites and moderate Tories jumping ship from the two main parties. Not sure how well they will do as I'm not sure if their campaigning will be any good at all. Lead candidate Diane Wallis (a former Lib Dem MEP who helped found the Yorkshire party. Her tweets are mostly bile towards the Lib Dems for not making her their lead candidate in spite of having spent the last few years with another party)
Conservatives - Expect many Tories to refuse to take part in the election campaign. You may even see a few Tories openly endorse the Brexit party. Lead candidate John Proctor MEP.
English Democrats - Another far right group pitching for ex BNP voters. Lead candidate David Allen (all the candidates from this lot appear to be from the same family!)
Green Party - The Greens impressed me a lot during the referendum. Pro-remain, and with many of their pet issues in the spotlight thanks to the Extinction Rebellion movement. Lead candidate Magid Magid (former Mayor of Sheffield and quite possibly the biggest showoff in politics. Still, I like a lot of what he did as mayor of my home town, including banning Donald Trump from visiting Sheffield.)
Labour - Labour people round here are quite demoralized following the local election results and incessant internal infighting. Labour's usual strategy at EU elections is to avoid talking about the EU wherever possible. That was the case when their EU policy was actually quite good and I don't expect that to change now that their EU is a steaming pile of crap. Lead candidate Richard Graham Corbett MEP. (a good candidate, but he's standing on a platform that nobody wants)
Liberal Democrats - The pro-remain party with the grassroots presence to make an impact. In the past I never considered the Lib Dems at EU elections as they were too unquestioningly pro-EU. But with British politics having taken leave of it's senses they have become attractive to staunch remainers like myself. Lead candidate Shaffaq Mohammed. (Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Sheffield council and an incredibly hard working campaigner.)
UK Independence Party - The party who always used to make a big impact at these elections. But following the referendum they were abandoned by Nigel Farage and a large chunk of their previous support, who will no doubt be moving en masse to the Brexit party. UKIP have since wandered into far right wannabe BNP territory. Lead candidate Mike Hookem MEP. (most well known for getting into a fist fight with another UKIP MEP at Strasbourg)
Yorkshire Party - As far as I can see, the Yorkshire party is like the Brexit Party and UKIP, only much more parochial. Lead candidate Chris Whitwood