When, why and how: A guide to the European Elections [View all]
... the UK's extension to the Article 50 process means the country will have to go to the polls on May 23 to elect a new batch of MEPs.
The process is set to be a brutal one, with Remain buffeted by a series of factors which act against it. This contest is one that, thanks to various structural and electoral forces, is stacked against pro-Remain parties.
Here is what you need to know on why this vote is happening, how it works, what the tactics in play are, and what it all means for Brexit. And, as a spoiler warning, the best outcome is that it means as little as possible.
Tactical voting is a plan starting to gain some traction among some Remainers. But without formal coordination, under this system it is as likely to cost pro-Remain parties a seat (accidentally knocking a party just under a voting threshold, for example) as to gain them one. At this stage, people
are better voting for the party they like best.
The pro-Brexit parties will try to frame this contest as a confirmation of the 2016 vote, as proof the public wanted Brexit then and still wants it now. Laying the groundwork against that, and refusing to take part in that narrative is perhaps the next thing the pro-Remain parties can do for their voters.
A decent primer for anyone not familiar with the dynamics of the D'Hondt system and its pitfalls, especially in what will be a most unusual election, assuming it does go ahead.