Starting tomorrow:
Working from home will be mandatory unless an employer has determined that a physical presence is required.
Indoor private gatherings for fully vaccinated individuals are limited to a single household plus one other household, to a maximum of 10 people. There are no restrictions on children under the age of 12.
Eligible people who are unvaccinated are not permitted to attend any indoor private social gathering.
Outdoor private social gatherings are limited to a maximum of 200 people, with two-metre distancing maintained at all times.
Places of worship must limit attendance to one-third of fire code capacity. Face masks will be mandatory and physical distancing will be required between households.
No attendance restrictions on outdoor events and facilities, but two-metre physical distancing must be in place.
Schools will be required to have mandatory masking for students in Grade 4 and up, plus staff and teachers in all grades. Exemptions will be available for schools with alternate safety plans.
Indoor children's sport and recreation activities are permitted, with requirements for physical distancing and masking where possible
Other measures take effect next Monday:
Restaurants will be limited to outdoor dining only with a maximum of six people per table.
Liquor sales will stop at 10 p.m. and consumption will stop at 11 p.m.
Indoor weddings and funerals will be limited to 50 attendees or 50 per cent fire code capacity. No indoor receptions will be required.
Outdoor ceremonies for weddings and funerals must be limited to 200 people. Liquor restrictions will apply.
Attendance at retail, entertainment and recreation facilities will be limited to one-third fire code capacity.
People will only be permitted to attend with their household or two close contacts for thosse living alone.
No indoor sport, fitness and recreation activities for adults will be permitted. One-on-one training or workouts will be permitted but with three-metre distancing.
Taken from the CBC article: