They cannot be responsible for all of these people, they are adults and make their own decisions and have their own personalities. Though in this particular case I have to say I question his judgement. I assume he figured with Fantino's experience with police forces that veterans might respect him as being an equal. Here's a newsflash, soldiers are some of the bravest men and woman in the country and they generally join the forces out of civic duty and patriotism, not for a high paying career (not to suggest that many officers in uniform aren't patriotic and want to do well, but the fact that it is a very good paying profession often draws many who decide to become cops simply for the financial benefit). I just don't know how he could have possibly felt that Fantino would be the best person for this job.
They interviewed the wife afterwards and she made some good points. She has no training or experience dealing with PTSD, and she simply wants to learn how to deal with her husband who was diagnosed 8 years ago. This is not an unreasonable request, in particular when you consider that Fantino of all people should know about such issues as he is a former cop and chief of the OPP and TPS. In my opinion he operated both organizations poorly. Appears he is showing the same disdain for the veterans as he showed for the rule of law when he was with the police, was it asking too much for someone to at least respond to her?