First of all...before I get into the ethics of a business student...this CEO is totally incompetent and should be fired immediately. Rule #1 - you are probably being recorded. Watch what you say. Act professionally. Clearly, he is incapable of acting the part.
Anyone with basic business classes also should understand the power of marketing, PR and how to mitigate damage to one's brand. I'll let you in on a secret, John. Doubling down on your mistake NEVER works. You apologize, make the necessary changes as quickly as is fucking possible, and move on, apologizing profusely the entire time.
Seriously, John Betts is like the poster child for how not to be an effective CEO in the face of bad press.
Now for the rest - haha on him. He went and talked about Kenney being on his side, whoops! When one is juggling a hot turd, it's probably best not to announce to the world that the guy whose job depends on public opinion is on your side if you aren't a million percent sure about that.
This program needs to end. Companies are (and have been for awhile) using TFW not because they can pay them less, but because they can hold them hostage (figuratively...or not so much) and force them to pretty much do anything...and they have a reliable worker (Because said worker cannot go anywhere or they have to leave the country). I guess they save money on turn over...but if they paid their employees well and treated them nicely (instead of the crap their CEO said about them) then they wouldn't have high turnover.
Anyway. I'm just glad this is finally coming to light.